What stylish men and women are ordering right now on FerraroFerrari.com

By popular request, you can now pre-order items you preview today on FerraroFerrari.com. Be the first to get your hands on Ferraro Ferrari fashion and accessories when we open our doors this month. Plus, we’re throwing in up to 90% OFF for the savvy stylish men and women who want to pre-order so they can take advantage of the low low prices before prices go back to normal. It’s a preview you won’t want to miss. Preview the collections here now and pre-order.


Our handbags, purses, wallets, briefcases, and other leather goods are made with high quality Italian leather, in Italy.

About Ferraro Ferrari
Ferraro Ferrari is a brand that offers both luxury and everyday fashion that brings people together. We’re not just another fashion brand, we really love what we do and want to bring people the best products made in Italy and beyond, at affordable prices. We offer a mix for everyone’s budget, if not, what’s the point staring at a fancy shop window when you can’t buy what’s on display?
Countries we ship to
We ship to anywhere in the world. And when you place your order during this EXCLUSIVE launch preview, along with up to 90% OFF all items, people in most countries will get low FLAT RATE shipping or FREE shipping to their countries.
Still have a question?
Click here to ask Francesco and the other Ferraro Ferrari Team of fashionistas now.
What we stand for
Our motto at Ferraro Ferrari is La Dolce Vita, meaning ‘the sweet life”. When life is sweet, everything else just comes together. This simple Italian way of life defines the Ferraro Ferrari brand and for us it’s all about bringing you good quality products that you deserve, to help you look your very best. And very importantly, we love the environment and do what we can to reduce waste through use of mostly recyclable packaging. We aim to continuosly improve in this aspect as we grow.
Is it really up to 90% OFF at this online launch preview?
Yes! At Ferraro Ferrari, what you see is what you get. Just pre-order during this launch preview to get up to 90% off. We wanted to take people’s shopping experience up a notch, we couldn’t think of a better way to do so than to come up with an incredible offer. It’s our chance to allow everyone to try our products, and unlike some brands, we want our products to be accessible.
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